We all know that the advantages of paying via Direct Debit Collections are numerous, (they save us time, they make it easier to make our regular payments, and they’re reliable for starters) but there’s one particular advantage to the process that doesn’t get as much press as the others…it’s actually far more environmentally friendly than alternative methods.
In a world where we consider the environment in pretty much every aspect of our daily life, it’s time we noticed the impact of our payment methods on the environment and embraced those processes that help us do our bit just a little more…like the good old Direct Debit.
Just take a moment to consider how much paper you’d use with every payment if it wasn’t for your Debits…there’s the postage if you sent cheques, there’s receipts if you went directly to the bank, and that’s not the half of it. Streamlining your payments into easy Direct Debits means there’s no paper, no printing and nothing for you to do but set them up and then let them happen.
It’s just as easy to keep a track of your outgoings with Direct Debits too, as thanks to online banking all you need to do is get into the habit of scanning your Debits screen regularly to check that everything’s as it should be…and that means no more filing of endless receipts and payment records that don’t mean quite so much once they’re part of a pile on the end of your desk.
So, if you’ve been thinking about switching the way you make your payments for a while and haven’t quite gotten around to setting Debits up yet, just think that as well as making things easy for yourself you’ll be doing your bit for the planet too.