How to cancel a Direct Debit

It’s easy to cancel a Direct Debit when you no longer need one, and the procedure is a simple one. You’ll need to get in touch with your bank or building society at least one day before the Direct Debit collection is due to be made (if in doubt, check how much notice your bank needs first to reduce the risk of the payment leaving your account).

If you cancel the Direct Debit over the phone, you may be asked to send an instruction via post to confirm you want to cancel. It’s also a good idea to confirm the cancellation of your Debit agreement with the relevant company, perhaps by sending them a copy of any written instruction you send to the bank to get the collection cancelled.


What information do you need to cancel your Direct Debit?

You’ll need to ensure that you offer the following details when you instruct your bank to cancel your Direct Debit:

  • The company name
  • Your bank account number and your sort code
  • All names on the bank account
  • Any customer reference number from the company you were paying

Make sure you include as much information in your cancellation instruction as possible to make the process easier and simpler. If you have the regular Direct Debit collection date, include it with the above. There should be no debit collections from your account once you’ve cancelled, and if the company wishes to put another Direct Debit in place from your account they’ll need your permission before they proceed.

It’s always a good idea to keep an eye on your bank statements for a period after cancelling, just to ensure that you spot any debits leaving if your instruction isn’t actioned. The sooner you realise and let the bank know, the sooner they can ensure you’re issued a full refund.

Have a look at our infographic with the 4 easy steps of correctly canceling your direct debits:


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